
Summer NAPE 2020: A Look At What’s Happened and What’s to Come

Summer NAPE 2020: A Look At What’s Happened and What’s to Come

Last week, NAPE kicked off its first-ever virtual summer conference. Hosted on the newly created digital NAPE Network, the event offers a safe gathering place for over 1,500 attendees in the oil and gas industry. Already off to a great start, buyers, sellers, and investors have until August 27 to enjoy signature NAPE features, including networking, job boards, presentations, and roundtable discussions featuring experts from around the world. 

Haven’t had time to check it out yet? Here’s a recap of some of the exciting events that have already transpired. For a more in-depth look, visit AAPL Connect. 

Dealmakers Keynote

Political strategist Karl Rove started day one by sharing his insights into the November election, its impact on the energy industry, and the role of energy nationally. 

Roundtable #1 with Randy Nichols

nape panel discussion

On August 11, CEO and Founder of Cinco Energy Randy Nichols kicked off NAPE’s series of three roundtable discussions. Nichols moderated an eye-opening conversation on How to Maintain Your Leasehold When Shutting-in or Curtailing Production, featuring panelists Tom Agnew, Michael Byrd, J. Keith Couvillion, Paul Trimble, and Jared Hembree. 

With the NAPE Network’s chat features, registrants were able to engage with the panelists, voicing concerns regarding the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, reducing oil demand, and the Russia-Saudi price war. Many operators have sought ways to minimize erosions while keeping the value of their lease, making this a significant issue. 

Speaking on the subject, Nichols said, “We believe the topic of this roundtable is relevant not only to landmen but to CEOs, engineers and other energy professionals responsible for maintaining their leasehold for both onshore and offshore properties after expiration of the primary term and before shutting in or curtailing production.” 

Nichols’s roundtable as well as discussions one and two are now available on-demand on the NAPE Network until August 27. 

Business Conference Session with Robert Clarke 

Robert Clarke, vice president of upstream research at Wood Mackenzie, answered attendees’ questions regarding various impacts the decrease in oil has had. Topics included which assets have changed the most, where bright spots lie, and what the 2021 market could have in store. 

Business Conference Panel with Leading Industry Experts

James Wicklund, Dan Pickering, Mari Salazar, and Steven Cobb joined forces to highlight the future of oil and gas capital markets. The group covered issues such as the current market conditions, what public and private investors think of existing opportunities, and how ESG considerations have changed the way investors think about energy. 

Exhibit Hall

Summer NAPE attendees can visit virtual exhibit booths now and through the remainder of the event. Over 160 large and small E&P companies make up the exhibitor base. Cinco Energy’s virtual booth, #2002, is currently open and full of resources on services, solutions, and more. 

Next on the Summer 2020 NAPE Agenda 

Attendees can currently access the virtual exhibit hall and on-demand recordings of sessions, roundtables, and the keynote on the NAPE Network 24 hours a day through August 27. That Thursday, the event ends with a live drawing for a $10,000 cash prize at 3:45 p.m. CST. To participate in the sweepstakes, view Nichols’s roundtable, visit the Cinco booth, and more, sign up on the NAPE website.



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