
Cinco Energy's Top 5 Monthly Metrics - February 2022

Cinco Energy's Top 5 Monthly Metrics - February 2022


February 2022 rig count

306: The number of active rigs in the Permian Basin, up from 204 one year ago.

projected increase in us crude oil

760,000 b/d: The projected increase in US crude oil production for 2022 compared to 2021, according to the EIA.

5% shale production growth limit

5% The production growth limit for 2022 pledged by independent shale producers Pioneer Natural Resources, Devon Energy and Continental Resources.

texas leader in renewable energy

7,352 MW: The amount of new wind, solar and energy installation projects in Texas over the last year, making the state the leader in new renewable projects in the US.

us largest lng exporter to us

26%: The share of LNG imported by the EU from the US in 2021. Last year, the US became Europe’s largest source of LNG, followed by Qatar and Russia.

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