
COVID-19: Together We Are Stronger

COVID-19: Together We Are Stronger

To our valued clients and colleagues: 

Volatility has always existed in the oil and gas market, and been a part of our business for the last 30 years. Now more than ever, we’re faced with an unparalleled challenge in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-OPEC price war. These events have significantly diminished the demand for oil and impacted the bottom line of US producers. We cannot predict COVID-19’s full effects yet -- specifically, how it will change the domestic oil and gas industry and what recovery will look like for the sector. Nevertheless, we are prepared to face the challenges yet to come in the months ahead. 

We will find our way through this together.

History has shown our industry returns more capable than before. Collectively, we are innovative and resilient. When we’re faced with obstacles, we adapt, not surrender. With an agile mindset, we’ll weather this down cycle.

In the meantime, we’d like to share how Cinco can help during this period of uncertainty. Like many of you, we’ve converted to a remote working environment so we can keep serving you while maintaining our employees’ safety. Our team uses a collection of secure online data management and storage tools that allow us to continue executing projects through our client-centric approach. Given our geographically dispersed service area, we have used cloud-based processes for several years, allowing us to maintain continuity of operations in today's remote workplace. We intend to exceed your expectations, no matter the circumstances. 

We also understand that you may need to adjust your current operations, and we are happy to help in any way we can. Whether it’s outsourcing projects or shifting your internal departments’ duties, we’re here for you. Reach us during regular business hours by email or phone, and let us know what we can do for you. 


Randy Nichols
Founder & CEO 

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